Cool T-shirts for Drinking With Friends

Want to look cool and funny when you are around friends? Choose your favorite Drinking T-shirts to wear when hanging out with your pals with a cup of booze. Whether it is drinking out on a weekend or crying your eyes out after a heartbreak, or getting knocked out for no reason, we got you all covered!
One Charlie Kilo has a wide selection of cool drinking T-shirts that you can choose from. Look at these Cool T-shirts you can wear while drinking out with friends.
1. I Drink And I Know Things
Do you have the superpowers to just know things after drinking a glass or two? It’s like you become Mr. Know-It-All. Okay, Tyrion Lannister! You aren’t as cool as The Game of Thrones character but you can drink and look cool while wearing this cool T-shirt while drinking out with friends.
The expression "I drink and I know things" may be a good way to describe you if you enjoy indulging in alcoholic beverages and think of yourself as intelligent and funny.
You can also purchase an I Drink and I Know Things mug to take to your office or just casually drink whisky straight out of the mug. Well, who needs a whisky glass after all?
2. I Have Mixed Drinks About Feelings
Do you have mixed feelings about someone but are still up for drinking and getting wild with your friends? Because why waste your precious time on things that are not going to work out?
Wear the I Have Mixed Drinks About Feelings t-shirt when you are around your friends and see if they catch the pun.
Well, let it be if they don't understand. Drink it all up and put the past behind you. But once you've had a few drinks, you'll start to have a mixed drink about feelings and start telling your friends the whole story.
You will still look cool in One Charlie Kilos cool drinking T-shirts so wouldn’t have to worry much.
3. Abraham Drinkin’
A person might become quite dull if they are constantly working and never having any fun. Be the fun friend in your friend circle and make plans every once in a while, to do some fun after a busy work schedule.
Make plans with friends to get together and enjoy ourselves like Abraham Drinkin' would have desired. Abraham was all about his political work, but he also liked to get out with his buddies and drink whenever he could.
When you go out drinking with your pals, make a statement by wearing a One Charlie Kilos Abraham Drinkin' T-shirt.
4. Bourbon And Chill
A few drinks with your friends now and then never did any harm. Bourbon and Chill is a great pun to invite your friends over to have some fun. You wouldn’t want to share certain things with your friends but after a few bourbons, you will spill all the truth.
Is the heat of the summer making you sweat? Don’t worry One Charlie Kilo’s Bourbon and Chill Tank top will keep you cool all summer while you are bourbon and chilling with your friends.
5. My Blood Type Is IPA
Do you chug your beer like you are drinking water out of a glass? You can get the thought of getting fit out of your mind if you chug bottles and bottles of beer at that pace. And after a few bottles of beer, you will constantly be visiting the restroom to pee a lot.
My blood type would be IPA because, after a few bottles of beer, I-P-A lot and it is kinda annoying. Funny enough to make your sarcastic senses tingle?
Buy One Charlie Kilos Cool My Blood Type is IPA t-shirt to wear around your friends and make them giggle.
6. Vodka Cran
Vodka and cranberry juice go better together. Invite your friends over who are the cranberry juice to your vodka.
Leave a "Hey everyone, let's have a 'berry' good time tonight! Join me for some Vodka Cran, and let's cheer for the weekend!" message in your group chat and see how many friends will understand your funny pun and come over for a drink or two.
Drinking and not texting your ex? That’s a waste.
I'm pretty sure this vodka is made from magic. One sip and I already feel like I'll be texting my ex later tonight! Make that stupid decision and ask for suggestions from your friends on what to text your ex.
You can look cool and stylish in a Vodka Cran t-shirt while you are having a fun night with your friends.
7. Alcohol You Later
Do you still receive annoying calls from your boss after your work hours are over? Send them an "Alcohol You Later" text in response, then spend the rest of the evening with your pals and forget about your tiring job.
What's the worst that could happen? You will get a long lecture for not picking up the phone the next day. They surely can’t fire you because they’re too short-staffed.
One Charlie Kilo’s Alcohol You Later t-shirt will make you look cooler while drinking out with your friends.
8. Benjamin Drankin
"Benjamin Drankin" is a fun and playful way to refer to someone who has had too much to drink and is acting a little bit wild. When no one is acting funny and drunk on a night out, where is the fun?
One Charlie Kilo’s Benjamin Drankin t-shirt is awesome! It features a detailed print of Benjamin Franklin holding a drink, making it a great conversation starter. It's perfect for anyone who loves history and a good drink.
9. Shut Up Liver You’re Fine
Have you ever sat with your friends and drank after a heartbreak? Friends are the ones who support you and encourage you to drink all your problems away.
Actually, you begin to lose all your memory and start drinking continuously. Shut up Liver You’re Fine it’s the heart that’s broken!
Buy Shut up Liver You’re Fine t-shirt and look cool even if you’re heartbroken.
10. Suck It, England
I know you’re excited for the Fourth of July and ready to party, but let's remember the golden rule: 'If you drink a fifth on the fourth, you may not go forth on the fifth!' So, take it easy with the alcohol and make sure you don't end up feeling like you got hit by a fireworks display on the morning of the 5th. But no matter the number of drinks, impress your friends by wearing a tee that shows England what America can do!
Suck It, England t-shirt is a cool tee you can wear on the 4th of July.
11. Irish Yoga
Hey, have you heard of Irish yoga? It's when you basically do a sit-up to take a sip of your drink - I think I've been doing it all my life. After all, staying fit is my passion.
Invite your friends and have a very good drinking yoga session to clear your mind.
Irish Yoga t-shirts are a great choice for this event. If you don’t get the yoga positions right blame it on the booze.
12. Never Skip Keg Day
Friends who drink together stick together. And good friends never let you skip keg day. They will get drunk and have fun with you instead of drinking alone.
What's the point of hanging out if you don't have pals that can drink continuously for hours? This Never Skip Keg Day t-shirt is a perfect tee for sitting and drinking with friends.
Look stylish and cool with cool drinking T-shirts that are perfect for drinking with friends. One Charlie Kilo has a wide selection of sweatshirts and tank tops other than cool t-shirts. Shop one that best fits your humor.